This is a story about making a
sacrifice and love by father to his son, Chris Gardner is a salesman. He lives
in a small apartment with a little family. Linda as wife is a washerwoman and
christoper is their children 5 years old. Gardner
chooses to use up his moneys or savings to buy franchise and sold Bone Density
Scanner portable. This scanner result able a good picture than traditional
X-Ray, but the doctors were he met suggested that this is very expensive to
have. Certainly, this price is as much as his budget in a month. For along time
it is being a bad economic condition for his family. He cannot pay every claims
and rent, this condition more and more difficult by Gardner who always parks
his car in everywhere he wanted. It make Gardner
got a traffic ticket by the police, but he can pay and so their only one car
confiscated. Its being a problem and quarrel with his wife. Finally Linda to go
to New York, she want to bring Christoper go
but it is prohibited by Gardner.
Someday, he met with somebody
who has a luxurious car. He asked to that people, how did he buy a luxurious car
and he answered that he be a stockbroker. Furthermore, Gardner applied for a position in Dean Witter
Reynods is a contribution intermediary company. He
was ready to be an apprenticeship without wage. This company gives a chance for
a job to overall apprentices who are the best. Be apprenticeships without wage
is not easy for Gardner,
his money is gone and he has bankrupt. He and his children are thrown out from
their apartment. They are being homeless. Sometimes they must queue to get
lodging for the night in Glide
Memorial Church
or they must sleep in public areas if they cannot. It is a difficult condition
for Gardner and his children. From this reason, he work very hard and this is
to be a good effort for him because he be the best apprentices and worked in
Dean Witter Reynods, next years he built intermediary company namely Gardner
Rich. By this work and selling his contribution, he got some moneys.
Biography of Gabrielle Muccino
Gabriele Muccino was born in Rome on May 20, 1967 is an Italian director.
He is the elder brother of actor Silvio Muccino, who often appears in his
brother’s films. Gabriele Muccino gained success with films such as L'ultimo
bacio (One Last Kiss) and Remember Me, My Love (Ricordati di me) with Monica
Bellucci. He is currently making a switch to directing Hollywood
films after L'ultimo bacio and won the Audience Award for World Cinema at the
2002 Sundance Film Festival, it bringing him to the attention of American film
industry. Muccino was hand picked by Will Smith to serve as the director of The
Pursuit of Happiness and he also directed Smith's later film, Seven Pounds. Muccino enrolled in the faculty of Letters at Rome
in "La Sapienza" university, but abandoned his course early in favor
of the cinema, working as a volunteer assistant to Pupi Avati
and Marco Risi.
He was starting of course in screenwriting by Leo Benvenuti. Besides, he also
course in the city experimental cinematography center. Up
to now he was succeeded to produce some films such as Seven Pounds
in USA at 2008, The Pursuit of Happiness
in USA at 2006, Ricodati Di Me in Italy 2003, L’Ultimo Bacio in Italy at 2001, Come Te Nessuno Mai Italy 1999, also Ecco Faito Italy, 1998.
Historical Background
The Pursuit of Happiness is a
story inspirited from the real life by Christoper Gardner, he was homeless and
single parent in America.
In this story seems that is a powerful and inspiring story which is made in
order to share and explored the parts of life by Gardner, in his realism of
life he start from zero it means that his carrier is come from in bad condition
until he can manage and pass it to bring up in the one point where finally he
be a successful millioner, its very contrast before and is a good effort by the
Gardner in achieving his success when in 1981 I think the real economic
condition of America is in crisis and bad, I have two opinions why did I said
that because it can reflect in this film in the scene, first, when here Gardner work as a salesman of the
Bone Density Scanner chooser invested his saving to collect the Bone Density
Scanner in order to sell it again in the centre medical of Sanfransisco he has
a difficult when he offers that Bone Density Scanner to the doctors, but this tool
have an rejected because they said it was very expensive. In the meaning in
this condition reflected that time the economic condition in America really is
in crisis where in that time the Bone Density Scanner be a very expensive to
get, and make some doctors in there can not buy that medical high technology.
Second, in my opinion crisis
condition effected in the social economic condition, that many people of there did
not have occupation and very difficult to get. It has reflected where some
people like Gardner
that applied for a job in Dean Witter Reynods, in this company Gardner also
other as an apprenticeship for sixth month, without wage and after sixth month,
only choused one from 30 apprenticeships is achieved as stockbroker in Dean
Witter Reynods.
In addition, in this background
of the story belonging into the real economic condition America 1981 where is also reflected in this
film through in Gardner’s
Society Proposed by the Movie
The society in this story divided into two proposed, first the
society from the low class where Gardner
stayed in his small apartment. The society here showed how did life with the
reality that they are always thinking about money to cover their necessary for
tomorrow, for week, for month and etc. including Gardner belong to this
society, society who all people never thinking another people. They only
thinking about money, is it right? Yes I said, because the story here showed
some scenes which can relate to this statement. They are in the scene that Gardner thrown out of
from apartment when can pay rent for it or when his Bone Density Scanner was stolen
by singing beggar, it showed that they are just thinking about their necessary
in any ways, without care to another people.
The second society is Upper class. They are society when Gardner is in the Dean
Witter Reynods. There society proposed is belonging to rich people, they have a
luxurious car, have much moneys and they did not worry where are they must live.
In this society Here, Gabrielle Muccino emphasized that Gardner is a part of them. Gardner does want be like them to pursuit happiness
after ha had suffering.
Values of Story
In this story, ‘’The Pursuit of
Happiness’’ the director tried to suggest some values which it will be a deep
inspiring for us, they are as follows:
First, through this story we
get learning is that a single parent who can survive and solving his
problematical life in order to get his achieving. Here, one purpose for the Gardner is that he able
to get a comfortable home for his son. In his crisis and bad situation like
that, he never blame everyone who are may be blame by his condition but he
always solves the problem himself, and never hopeless. He just being his son as
motivated for him to get the purpose. Besides, he keeps responsible as father.
Second, after I saw this film I
have good the words that be motivation for us, is that from Zero to be Hero. This is a simple word but it has deep meaning
for me and I think it also have reflected in this story by the director. Never doubt
or afraid if you start your business, your work, your study or everything you
do from zero because it does about process. In this achieving the process is
more important than the result it. When you starting from zero you will be know
the process that you have done to be hero. For instance, in this The Pursuit of Happiness here showed in
the moment when Gardner
was in crisis and did not have everything even a house. It is one phase where
his life is in zero point but, because his patient, motivation and work hard,
he can pass and out of this situation. In the end, he be a hero for his son and
himself its mean that he being rich people or millionare. Gabrielle muccino
here give a motivation value through this story, I think he also to tell us
that we never enjoyable the happiness if we never had suffering before.